Think of a toll free number as an asset to your business. When customers and users call your line, they’ll reach your help desk or customer service without being charged for the call. When people think of toll free calling, they usually think of 800 numbers. In fact, there are other great options.
Guess what? An 877 number acts the same as an 800 number. Instead of using the traditional 800 prefix which is tougher to come by these days, 877 is another option.
Why not 800?
Toll free numbers are popular, and for good reason. 800 numbers allow a user to call free of charge, putting the price of the call on the business rather than the customer.
Because 800 numbers became so popular for business use, the telecommunications industry introduced 877 as an alternative prefix. After introducing 877, the industry released a number of other options. Today, these numbers are widely known and accepted as a toll free option.
Grasshopper carries all of the options, as well as local numbers. We have tons of 877 numbers in stock.
Why should I get a number starting with 877?
You’ll always own it. Today’s numbers are owned by you. A carrier doesn’t own it, and it can be transferred to services as you see fit.
Your business looks good. Toll free numbers make a business look professional, even if you’re running operations from your basement.
It’s free for your callers. Don’t charge your callers for reaching out to you. Provide them with free calling, and it will boost your customer service.
You’ll have a national presence. You won’t have national clout if you have a local number. If you want people to be buying your product or services from all over the country, you best sign up for a number that shows that.
How to get an 877 number
Choose a number. Try to use your company name or industry related term (think 1-877 FLOWERS) and to keep it simple and easy to remember.
Choose a provider and check availability. A phone service like Grasshopper can check 877 number availability and provide you with the best options.
Purchase the number. Once you have chosen a service provider and an available number, all that’s left is to buy it!
Frequently asked questions about 877 numbers:
Is 877 Toll Free?
Are these numbers expensive?
Usually, people buy them through a service like Grasshopper, and the cost depends on the service provider. More often than not, the cost of an 800 or 877 number covers the service provider, the plan you choose, the minutes you use, and the actual number.
Are there any differences between 877 and other toll free numbers?
No matter which code you choose, all of the prefixes work the same and give the same benefits. Because "true" 800 numbers are so in demand, they often cost more to buy up front. And now you can get 844 phone numbers too.
Can I send and receive text messages with my 877 number?
You bet! Grasshopper now offers Business SMS on both toll free and local numbers.