
Philadelphia Phone Numbers

Local numbers throughout the US


Get a Philadelphia Phone Number for Your Business

  • Forward your local Philadelphia number to any phone
  • Have a Philadelphia number already? Transfer it to Grasshopper
  • Establish a local presence for customers in Philadelphia
  • Send texts from your Philadelphia number
  • Search 215, 267, 484 and 610 area numbers
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Philadelphia Phone Numbers

Local Philadelphia phone numbers can give your small business a multi-city feel or your big business a local feel. Grasshopper has local numbers for many states and cities including Philadelphia that can be used with our virtual phone system. Forward calls to any number you would like and enjoy all of the great features we offer; Call forwarding, unlimited extensions, custom greetings and more. Get a Philadelphia phone number from Grasshopper today and get connected!

Do you have all Philadelphia area codes available?

We offer local numbers in many markets throughout the US. You can check for specific availability in Philadelphia on our site or give us a call and we can try and help you locate the number you are looking for.

Can I transfer my Philadelphia telephone number to Grasshopper?

The local Philadelphia number you wish to transfer must be within our coverage area. Please check your existing local Philadelphia numbers for coverage and make sure that your local numbers are eligible for transfer before proceeding.

Should I have a Philadelphia number or a toll free number?

The great thing about Grasshopper is it allows you to have both a local and toll free number with our grow plan. However, if you are simply looking to make your small business sound bigger an 800 number is probably what you want. If you are a large company looking to attain a local feel, a Philadelphia telephone number is what you want.

Philadelphia 4G Speed & Latency Compared

10.57 2.1 7.79 8.91
5.65 1.62 0.9 4.06
87 87 116 98

AT&T is the best choice for Philadelphia 4G service

Which Carrier has the Fastest Download Speed in Philadelphia?

You should use as your mobile phone carrier if you are looking to have fast download speeds. With a download speed of 10.57 in that region, is the fastest option.

Which Carrier has the Fastest Upload Speed in Philadelphia?

You should use as your mobile phone carrier if you are looking for a fast upload speed with your phone. With a upload speed of 10.57 in that region, is the fastest option.

Which Carrier has the Best Latency Speed in Philadelphia?

You should use as your mobile phone carrier carrier if you want low latency. With a latency speed of 10.57 you will have the lowest latency effect in the area.

Which Carrier is best if I Live in Philadelphia?

Based on the information above, we recommend AT&T.

Do I own the Philadelphia phone number or does Grasshopper?

You are the valid end user/owner of a toll free and a local number as long as you are in good standing with its provider (i.e. there are no balances on your account). You are able to transfer both your toll free and local number to other providers at any time including the numbers that are assigned to you by Grasshopper. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detailed information.

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I am now a huge fan of Grasshopper… truly saved the day (and my sanity). Carolyn Appleton Carolyn Appleton Carolyn M. Appleton, Inc.
Having a phone number on our site increased conversion of site visitors to sign ups and paid users! Allan Branch Allan Branch LessAccounting