We’ve been getting a lot of questions from people on Twitter lately wondering if you can use Grasshopper outside of the United States.  Since this seems to be a popular topic, we thought it would be helpful to share this information with all of you.  The short answer to everyone’s question is yes, but there are a few gray areas.

If you are located outside of the United States, but in Canada, Grasshopper will work for you.  In fact, we did our first Canadian local number port for a customer in Canada just a few days ago.  The best part about living in Canada and using Grasshopper?  The minute rate for all calls, incoming or forwarded, is the same in Canada as calls that are made in the U.S.

For international users, Grasshopper will work for you if you use a U.S based toll free or local number.  Your toll free or local number can be forwarded to any type of phone, domestic or international.  There is no need to worry about incoming international calls either; all of our local numbers accept incoming international calls.

If you have questions on using Grasshopper outside of the US, please don’t hesitate to contact our 24/7 customer service at 800-820-8210.