Start Your Business in 2011Each December 31st we take a good hard look in the mirror and decide we’re going to change our ways this next year. We’re going to lose weight, quit smoking, be a better person, get organized, etc, etc. But how many of us actually stick to those resolutions?

On Sunday, Gretchen Rubin of The Huffington Post gave us “13 Tips for Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution” and there were a few good ones in there for our fellow entrepreneurs (definitely check out the article).

Starting a business can be scary; it’s hard & often can require everything you have (both mentally AND financially). As entrepreneurs we know this, but we don’t let it stop us.

So, to you entrepreneurs out there who are ready to start your business, make the resolution this year to start doing what you’ve always dreamed of and stick to it. Using some of the tips from Gretchen, here’s how:

Hold Yourself Accountable

Think Big & Small

It’s great to think big and start laying out what you want and where you want your business to go. You definitely need to think about the big picture but you also need to think small.

What are the things it takes to get there? What is it you need to be doing on a day-to-day basis?

Thinking about the small picture can make it less discouraging and allow you to feel like you’re making progress.

Keep Your Resolution Every Day

Do one thing every day for your business. Maybe it’s simply doing some research on the internet, brainstorming company names or even just spit-balling with some friends. Keep yourself in it and always moving forward. Here are some tips on keeping yourself involved:

Let this be the year that you get your business started. It doesn’t have to be a million dollar company or heck, even a dollar company. Just get going and make sure you stick to that resolution!

As we mentioned above, a great way to help you stick to your resolution is to hold yourself accountable by telling other people. Why not start now? Leave a comment below with your 2011 resolution and we’ll hold you to it!