What is the best SEO strategy? This is a question that haunts millions of website owners across the globe. The answer is both simple and complicated: constant innovation. There is no ultimate solution to ensure a high-ranking position within any search engine, simply because the algorithms change perpetually, changing the way your content is graded. However, there are some things you can do right now to improve your SEO strategy and watch your ranking increase exponentially.

Titles and Headings Optimization

Make sure that your title includes a keyword! Your title tag, after all, is your first line of fire when it comes to SEO. Your “H1 heading”, header tag, or title of your post may not have as big an impact as things such as authoritative backlinks in your text, but as search engines do take a look at your title and section headers, it’s worth including keywords wherever possible. Of course, do so where it makes sense. You don’t want your content to feel like spam to your readers.

Use Tracking

You can never be sure if your SEO strategy works and which pages need improvement if you don’t keep track of your traffic. Use whichever tracking tool you prefer to get a more complete visual on which pages need a little “TLC” in order to generate more traffic. More importantly, tracking can tell you where you’re doing it right so you can apply the same best practices to the rest of your content.

Update Existing Content

Don't create a new post if you already have similar content from before. Instead, consider updating already existing posts by adding some fresh content and re-sharing with your audience.

SSL Certificate

Safety is an important issue for any user, especially if you’re running an eCommerce platform. Apart from user experience improvement, SSL certificates also add to your ranking status. Search engines give an advantage to the website that uses secure connection protocol.

Optimize Images

This one is a rather old technique but it's still effective simply because it makes your load speed much faster. If you have a lot of pictures on your website, reducing the file size will enhance the load speed, which is one of the most important features of well-optimized content.

Increase Site Speed

Too many plugins and widgets, along with poor hosting options can also cause poor SEO performance. If there are plugins on your website that you don’t use or there are some widgets that affect only the visual context of your platform, don’t hesitate to remove them. Keep only what is essential for the performance and user experience. The rest is only dragging down your load speed.

Interlink Pages

Whenever you add new pieces of content, make sure to check if you have any earlier content that might be relevant. Then you can link the old content to the new content through keyword anchor text. When it comes to effectiveness, interlinking is one of the most effective SEO techniques you can use.

Use High-Ranking Sources

Google uses backlinks. It detects a number of high-ranking links within a piece of content and decides to push that content closer to the top of the search results. Whenever you have the chance to use a high-ranking authority website post within your content, don’t hesitate to do it. Just make sure that you link it to a keyword anchor text, simply to add an extra SEO boost.

Use Social Media

Make it easier for people to share your content all across social media. Place some Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, or any other niche-oriented social network button that will allow visitors to seamlessly share your posts with the rest of the community. The more shares, the higher your Google ranking.

Ask for Reviews

Loads of reviews will push your content higher on the ladder. Depending on the quality of your service, the reviews could do your business harm as well as good. However, if you ask your friends and satisfied customers to leave a positive review, your business reputation and SEO will benefit.

Customize 404 Pages

Visitors don’t hang around 404 pages — which appear when the requested address is not available — to kill time. To avoid increased bounce rates and keep people on your website for a while longer, customize your 404 page, add a link to a backup page, or provide some evergreen content. You may even convert a lost visitor into a customer!

Publish New Content Regularly

No matter what type of website you’re running, having a blog section that you can enrich with fresh content on a regular basis is never a bad idea. This not only provides your customers with a great resource, it also shows Google that your page is active, resulting in a better ranking.

Go Mobile

Recently, Google started performing searches using a “Mobile first” approach, which means that if your content doesn’t perform well on mobile platforms, you won’t rank high. So if needed, start working on your mobile optimization!

Use Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs allow users to navigate through your site easier, but they also put together all the keywords related to a certain category, which strengthens your overall SEO.

Use Phrases Not Words

Make your keywords longer than just one word. If you’re selling shoes, you’ll have better chances with “men’s leather shoes” than just with “shoes”, according to professional assignment help.

SEO demands a lot of hard work. It’s not enough to use one or two techniques and then expect to see your site ranked highly on any search engine. Use all of the players on the field in order to see better results and ultimately win more attention and business.