Owning a business is like a road trip-- full of steep cliffs, scenic overlooks, and the occasional flat tire. Like all great road trips, it can get pretty scary if you run out of gas.

No one is a born startup wizard— you don't have all the answers, and that's okay.

That's why we've put together this list of places to ask your deepest, scariest questions.

Read on to find places full of knowledgeable and experienced peeps who can give you answers. They won't be able to grow your business for you, but they'll certainly do their best to help.

1. U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Community -- Learn The Nuts and Bolts

SBA.gov is the digital arm of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA is a government-run organization with the mission of supporting the country's small businesses. On the site, you can post to discussion boards dedicated to subjects like starting and registering a business, filing and paying taxes, and marketing and advertising.


Here are some example questions from SBA users:

2. Local Meet-ups -- Meet Your Peeps

Ok, so going to a local meet-ups doesn't happen online, but you can find the perfect groups and events using the web.

Everyone knows meet-ups are an awesome way to meet like-minded business-people, but they also present an opportunity to get tough questions answered.

Many meet-ups are location and industry-based, such as the Boston TechJam and the NYESN Food & Entrepreneurs Networking Party. You can find a meet-up near you on Meetup.com by searching with keywords such as “tech,” “nonprofit,” or “automotive.”

You can also connect with local peeps through your local BNI chapter or Chamber of Commerce. Both bring smart people together to discuss best business practices.

3. QuickSprout's Forum -- Discuss Web Traffic

QuickSprout is all about website traffic and conversion. Conversion— turning website visitors into customers— is an important way to measure how effective your website is. With 182,363 forum users, QuickSprout offers info on everything from SEO and content marketing to conversion optimization and traffic growth.


QuickSprout is a great resource for anyone doing business on the web. Conversion and traffic numbers are key to spending your time and efforts wisely. QuickSprout is the perfect resource for advice and tips on how to improve these numbers.

4. AMEX's OPEN Forum -- Unite With Others

American Express’s OPEN Forum is the broadest on our list. You can find answers to questions ranging from money & financials to marketing to leadership & management.

open forum

OPEN Forum gives you access to industry experts and peers who have been in your shoes. Once you join OPEN Forum, you can submit questions, get answers, and share your own advice with others.

5. StartupNation's Community Forums -- Go to The Community

StartupNation emphasizes both networking and getting answers. The forums cover a pretty wide array of topics, and they focus on the basics for people just getting started in business. Most of the people answering your questions are startup entrepreneurs just like you.


What’s neat about StartupNation is the Getting Inspired forum. Entrepreneurs share success stories, inspirational quotes, and questions like, “Who is your business idol?” It’s your one-stop shop for motivation and enthusiasm.

6. mosaicHUB -- Contact The Experts

MosaicHUB is a little different from the other places on this list because questions are answered by “experts” who are contacted by mosaicHUB. The site has access to experts on just about anything from legal, accounting, and IT to social media, graphic design, and HR.

Answers on mosaicHUB come in a friendly, informative way and usually result in more conversation.


To use mosaicHUB, simply create an account (for free!) then type your question in the box, and click “Ask an Expert.”

Some questions people have asked:

7. Reddit -- Ask The Crowd

Reddit is a crowd sourced news website. Users can post a story, comment, or question and others respond & comment on it. Posts are voted up or down by users, so all of the most useful and relevant information finds its way to the top where it’s super easy to find. You can follow subreddits to create a custom front page that’s relevant to you.


Subreddits work like tags to categorize posts and make them easy to search. And there are tons of subreddits that are awesome for entrepreneurs like:

The crowd on Reddit can be snarky (clever and witty comments get updated the most). Be prepared for the absolute truth—redditors won’t sugarcoat it!

8. Google Search -- Let Google Do The Work

As if you hadn’t thought of that, right? Sometimes we overlook Google, but there’s something to that magic algorithm. If you have a question, chances are the answer is somewhere on the web, and Google will find it.g2

All you have to do is type your question into the box and Google will take it from there, bringing together the most relevant answers and information into one convenient place.

9. Quora -- Ask A Question

Quora is an awesome question and answer web forum. It’s not just business and entrepreneurship, it’s everything (users have even asked what the trick is to parallel parking!). Think of Quora as similar to Reddit, with up and down voting of answers, but with a lot more emphasis on the Q&A format.


What’s neat is that you can submit questions anonymously. This is where you can get down to the deep and scary questions. Users on Quora are very straightforward and honest.

10. Clarity.fm -- Call an Entrepreneur

Clarity is unique because you can actually call top experts like Mark Cuban and Eric Ries. The site has over 30,000 experts. They’re not all famous, but they’re all successful and knowledgeable in their fields. You can talk to whoever you want, ask questions, and receive expert advice.


Pricing varies by expert, but you’ll be charged by the minute. After each call, experts are rated and reviewed.

11. StackExchange -- Get The Right Answer

When you ask a question, StackExchange users answer. The best or most correct answer is selected and moved to the top of the page, so it’s readily accessible. This makes it super quick and easy to find answers if your question’s already been asked.


StackExchange is full of specific Communities like:

StackExchange is extra awesome if your questions have a right answer. The most popular Communities are programming, engineering, math, and science-related because there’s no wading through a thousand different answers that may or may not be the right one.

Ask Away

Some questions are hard to ask, and some answers are scary to hear.

All of the places on our list are great for connecting with experienced people who can give you the answers you need.

Whether you want the cold, hard truth, or some inspirational stories, there's something for everyone. Pick the place that's right for you and ask away!

Your Turn: Where do you take your deepest, scariest questions? Let us in on it!