It’s Small Business Week, and we’re buzzing with excitement! This week is about honoring the innovative spirit and vibrant community of entrepreneurs and small business owners. Here are five of our favorite ways to cheer on local commerce and support small businesses like yours.

1. Join a Local Networking Group

Joining a business networking group like a BNI chapter or your local Chamber of Commerce is a fantastic way to grow your network, collaborate with other businesses, and get involved in your community. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can provide valuable insights and support during times of need.

Why do it: Contacts made can lead to mentorship opportunities, strategic partnerships, and potentially new customers

2. Support Other Small Businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of our communities. When you support other small businesses, you're not just giving back; you're creating jobs and lifting each other up.

Look for opportunities to shop local, recommend other small businesses to your customers, and collaborate on projects such as co-hosting an event or doing a giveaway on their products.

Why do it: Reciprocal support and shared growth

3. Explore New Small Business Tools

There are plenty of tools on the market to help small businesses streamline their processes, save time, and make life easier. Experimenting with a new tool can help you identify areas to improve efficiency and elevate productivity.

That’s what Grasshopper is for! We offer a free 7-day trial of our virtual business phone system so you can see what enhanced communication and brand professionalism looks like.

Why do it: Covering your business essentials

4. Partner with Other Businesses

Partnering with another business is a great way to reach a new audience and offer your customers a more comprehensive range of solutions. Look for companies that complement your own and provide value-added services your customers will love.

Grasshopper prioritizes meaningful collaborations with companies that can provide real value to our customers. A great example is our partnership with Ruby, a virtual receptionist service. Ruby answers calls, schedules appointments, and manages your online presence, giving you more time to focus on running your business.

Why do it: Expansion into new markets and enhanced service offerings

5. Run Social Media Promotions

Social media promotions are a great way to connect with your customers and prospects, reach a new audience, and show that you care about customer experience. Offering a discount, running a contest, or hosting a live Q&A session are proven ways to increase website traffic.

Why do it: Increase brand visibility and customer engagement

Grasshopper has a special limited time offer to celebrate Small Business Week!
Save up to $125 on select virtual phone plans today.

Happy Small Business Week!

Small Business Week is a time to celebrate the incredible contribution of small businesses to our communities and the economy. We hope these tips help you celebrate how far you’ve come and inspire you to find new ways to ensure you have all the essentials needed to make your business successful.